Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oatman, Arizona (Best Town Ever!)

I woke up this morning in Flagstaff, Arizona, and was headed to Las Vegas.  I read an article in the paper about a town called Oatman, Arizona - 3 hours from Flagstaff.  It's a very small town, with wild burros that just wander all over the town.  WILD BURROS?  How could I not go there?  I was so close!  I took a slight detour on my trip and went to Oatman - and was glad I did.  It was an Old West type of town full of charm; of course, the best thing about it was the burros (who were far from wild!).   

Read about the charming town of Oatman, AZ:

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

You take a nice drive on Route 66 to get to Oatman

Then, it turns into a perilous drive up a mountain (with no guardrails)

I happened to hit the town during "Bike Week"

The second you arrive, you start to see the "wild" burros

This was an adorable baby.  I thought he was sick

His mother let out a big yell for him from across the street.
He yelled back and then ran to her!

This one could stand to lay off the snacks!
(She probably said the same thing about me!)

The sticker on the babies' heads asks visitors to please not feed them (you can feed the adults as much as they will eat).  The babies have underdeveloped teeth, and cannot chew hard  things.

Me and a very accommodating "wild" burro!

This cute baby was trying to eat something in the barrel 

 It's a little humiliating to walk around with a sticker on your forehead!

 They were all so sweet!

She was waiting to get a cold drink!

She was waiting to get a tattoo!

And, she wanted to buy a new t-shirt!

This is the town gas station (nice car in front!)

 The town is historic (that's a better name for "old")

 An old stagecoach

Nice name for a local business!

I can't imagine how quiet the town is without the bikers.
There were hundreds of them - all having a good time!

On my way out of town

Hit the Mother Road again and I'm off to Las Vegas!