Monday, May 16, 2011

Temple of Sinawava (Zion National Park)

This is a magnificent hike for about a mile or so down the Virgin River in Zion National Park.  The hike takes you to the Narrows, which, unfortunately, were closed because the river was too high and the current was too swift.

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

A pretty waterfall

The spring flowers are starting to come out

Me never missing a photo op!

This was a little deer looking for something to eat.
She didn't seem to mind all the people taking her photo!

A wild turkey

Many squirrels running around the park.  This one was
not at all shy about wanting to share my lunch!

The Virgin River

This is where a hike through the Narrows would normally
start.  But, it would be impossible with the water this high.

Kermie and the Red Cat like Zion National Park

 And, so do I!